Ræktum vitið is
initiative of VR/LÍV & SVÞ
Through the collaboration between VR and SVÞ and the initiative Ræktum vitið (Cultivating Knowledge), opportunities and possibilities for people in retail and services are expanded, enabling them to grow in their roles and tackle new challenges. This should lead to better conditions for employees. Additionally, the competitive position of companies in retail and services is strengthened, as experience shows that competition among industries for the most skilled workers is increasing and is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years.
What is the need
for Ræktum vitið?
Rapid changes in retail and services, including consumer demands, increased external competition, and the growth of e-commerce, mean that both companies and employees must be equipped to continuously face new challenges.
Reliability, leadership skills, and resilience are the competencies that managers consider most important for the workforce of the future. Lifelong learning can help employees enhance their skills in these areas.
We rely on
measurable results
To evaluate the success of the initiative, VR/LÍV and SVÞ will conduct regular surveys targeting employees in retail and services, as well as companies, to measure their engagement in lifelong learning and upskilling.
A partnership agreement was signed with Maskína through 2023 to oversee these surveys.